sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2015

Who's afraid of the denim?

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Of, course, everybody's wearing it, from kids to (some of) our mums. They never really went out of fashion and we all went along with the trends: skinnies for the not-so-skinny, low waist even if we didn't have Britney's abs, boyfriend jeans even if they made us look like a hobo.

What are the current trends now? In the shops I keep seeing the same low waisted skinny jeans, even though, for a few years now, fashion bunnies everywhere are praising the flares and the high waisted ones.

Glamour, Style and Harper's Bazaar are warning us to ditch those low waisted skinnies and adopt the distressed boyfriend, flares or high waisted skinnies.

But where can a girl find those trends in the High Street shops, when H&M, C&A, Zara or Mango all seem to know is low waist?

I searched and searched the shops until I got tired of them and then I started searching the web. 

Here's what I found:

ASOS offers a retro take on the flare jeans.

Another cool pair from them is this extreme flared one:

Even though I'm not a fan of the quality of Mango jeans, i think this pair looks more than interesting.

I am not a fan of the boyfriend jeans, but I think I would go for a style similar to those two from Asos, one midrise and one highly distressed:

A little more denim inspiration can be found on Farfetch.

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Cui ii e frica de denim?

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Toata lumea ii poarta, de la copii pana la (o parte dintre) mamele noastre. Au fost mereu la moda si toata lumea a adoptat trendurile: blugii skinny, chiar daca purtatoarele nu erau deloc skinny, talie joasa desi nu aveam abdomenul lui Britney, blugii boyfriend extrem de largi care ne dadeau un aer usor homeless.

Care mai sunt trendurile acum? In magazine vad aceeasi blugi cu talie joasa desi, de cativa ani, modelinele si fashionistele de pretutindeni lauda blugii evazati si cu talie inalta. .

Glamour, Style si Harper's Bazaar ne avertizeaza sa renuntam la skinnies in favoarea blugilor evazati sau ai celor boyfriend de tip distressed.

Dar unde putem gasi modele de tipul asta cand branduri precum H&M, C&A, Zara sau chiar Mango par in continuare indragostite de blugii stramti cu talie joasa?

Am cautat in magazine pana m-am plictisit si apoi am cautat pe net.

Iata ce am gasit:

ASOS are pe site modelul retro de mai jos, care aminteste de moda anilor '70.

Alta pereche cool  de la ei este modelul de mai jos, extrem de evazat.

Desi nu ma omor dupa calitatea blugilor de la Mango, modelul de mai jos mi se pare foarte interesant.

Nu sunt un fan al blugilor boyfriend, insa as incerca cele doua variante de mai jos de la ASOS: una midrise si una highly distressed:

Inspiratie suplimentara pe subiectul denim puteti gasi si pe Farfetch.

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luni, 23 februarie 2015

Oscaruri 2015: Selfie-uri si Instagram

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Desi, nici anul acesta la premiile Oscar nu lipsesc fotografiile oficiale de pe covorul rosu, cele mai apreciate imagini sunt chiar cele postate de vedete pe Instagram. Avem de ales intre selfie-uri, poze din backstage, imagini cu mancare sau de la cabina de machiaj.

Vogue , Marie Claire si Harper's Bazaar au creat fiecare topuri ale celor mai interesante imagini Instagram ale Oscarurilor 2015:

Jennifer Lopez si Meryl Streep

JLo in cabina de machiaj

Reese Witherspoon

Marion Cotillard

Sienna Miller

Gwyneth Paltrow

Alexa Chung

Naomi Watts

vineri, 20 februarie 2015

Open air masquerade: Venice Carnival 2015

The Carnival of Venice 2015 is officially over, so it's a good moment to look back at some great costumes.

These are the best I have seen during my 4 days stay , last week:

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Venice Carnival masks

Bal mascat in aer liber: Carnavalul de la Venetia 2015

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Carnavalul de la Venetia 2015 tocmai ce s-a terminat, asa ca este un moment bun pentru o retrospectiva a costumelor de anul acesta.

Mai jos  sunt costumele fotografiate de mine saptamana trecuta: